Cover reveal, and yippee!, “Malnourished” is ready for pre-orders

Big news: My new book Malnourished: A Memoir of Sisterhood and Hunger, now has a permanent cover.

And I love it. I especially love the vast expanse of sky, which (at least to me) symbolizes death and healing, hope and redemption, all main themes throughout the book.

Anyway, here it is:

Here’s a brief description:

In Malnourished, Cinthia Ritchie traces the tragedy of her sister’s eating disorder to its beginning—their stepfather’s Pennsylvania farm, where both girls hungered for approval and affection during long, languid days and yearned for protection through endless, dark nights. In gripping, lyrical prose, she demonstrates the outcome of early damage.

The book releases from Raised Voice Press on January 21 and is now (so exciting!) ready for pre-orders.

Best of all, if you order before the end of September, you save 20%, which is pretty cool.

Here’s the link: Malnourished pre-orders

P.S. Big, big thanks to designer Sarah Flood-Baumann for the awesome cover design. (Thanks so much, Sarah dear. I wasn’t always the easiest author to work with but damn, you nailed it perfectly. Your vision was exactly what I, and my book, wanted and needed.)



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