Wordless Wednesday: Baby moose in the yard

When my partner woke me up yesterday, at a ridiculously late hour (because I had stayed up all night writing again, you see), I ran downstairs, grabbed my camera and excitedly began shooting. Because, really, is there anything cuter than baby moose?

There was another calf around too but it was behind the woodpile and I couldn’t manage it in any of the shots. P.S. I took these from our bedroom window because mama moose was close by and I didn’t dare step outside and risk her wrath.

But still, isn’t this baby moose the cutest thing? 

6 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Baby moose in the yard

  1. Oh Cindy he/she is adorable The babies are much cuter that the adults as they don’t look as wobbley. Yea we also are having a very unsummer Today sunshine but rain for the rest of the week. I mowed through water today. I know that is not good for the mower but with 3 or 4 more days of rain when will it get dry enough to mow. ??????? I am sort of enjoying the break from TV. Now I have oldies on my canadain radio station. Did miss TW last night but hope someone will fill me in. I thought of going to someones house to watch it but as it is on from 8 to 10 and I can’t drive after dark so I decided to stay home. Miss you very much honey and also love you very much Take care and Hello to Mike.

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