Two acceptances and a rejection

Well, Epiphany Magazine doesn’t want the submission I sent for their chapbook contest. A bummer. I’m having a hard time placing it since it crosses genres and steps outside the boundaries of tense and structure. But they were very nice plus they spelled my name right so kudos to them. (And how can you not like a literary magazine named Epiphany, eh?)

But the flip side: Barking Sycamores accepted two poems and Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine accepted a flash fiction piece. So really, I have nothing to complain about.

We saw this laid-back moose on one of our runs. It didn’t even glance up as we ran past. I think it thought it was camouflaged in the brush. Doesn’t it have the most wonderful nose? It looks so soft and touchable (though trust me, I highly doubt that it’s touchable at all).


And belated Mother’s Day to all of you mothers out there, from someone who has never really liked Mother’s Day, though I love (love!) being a mother.

Gramma & Chris
My son (my sun!) and my mom.

According to a recent NPR piece, Mother’s Day originated through the efforts of Anna Jarvis, back in the early 1900s, because she believed that a day of rest should be set aside for all mothers. The idea eventually caught on and the floral and card corporations jumped in and lobbied for an official holiday. After Mother’s Day gained popularity and became a corporate goldmine, Jarvis became so disgusted at the commercialization of the holiday that she tried to get it rescinded. And guess what happened? She ended up in a sanitarium. And, naturally, the floral and card companies footed the bills to keep her there (sucks big time, doesn’t it?).

Anna Jarvis. Wasn’t she lovely?

Kind of brings a whole new flavor to Mother’s Day, eh?

And don’t miss this lovely essay, I Divorced My Mom, by Molly Campbell, about what life is like when you don’t have an ideal mother.

P.S. For some reason I can’t stop thinking of this Georgia O’Keeffe painting. It’s so vivid and purple and sensual and lush, a perfect way to begin the week.


Have a good one, everybody.

6 thoughts on “Two acceptances and a rejection

  1. Cinthia – Congratulations on the acceptances!!! Two!!! I will celebrate with you by saying “cheers” with my morning cup of tea. I look forward to reading those pieces when they are available. Wishing you a great day, and Seriously too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the morning cheers, Carla. And tea is so much better than coffee, eh? (I’ve never, ever developed a taste for coffee, not sure why but I figured that I save a lot of money by not stopping at Starbucks each morning, lol.)
      Hope you have a great day, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cinthia, let’s talk seriously. Not having a chapbook taken for a contest is not a rejection. That’s not the same thing at all as poems and stories turned down by a magazine. They can only choose one winner, I am guessing. Got it. Not a rejection. And congrats on the acceptances!!!! Will they be online or in print?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, you’re right, Luanne. Not having a chapbook chosen for a contest isn’t exactly a rejection. Still, it stings, mostly because it costs money to submit to contests. A few years ago I read a story in “Poets & Writers” about what it took for poets to publish a book or chapbook, and some of them had submitted their manuscripts to over a hundred contests or publishers. A hundred contest would come out to be $2,500 or more! That kind of floored me.
      Cheers and have a great week.


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